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Debounce in javascript

Debouncing in javascript.


Please read the Previous article before continuing with this to understand the primary problem and solutions to that.

Debouncing is a pretty simple concept. In simple terms, its like wait-and-call kind of function. When we debounce a function, we wait to see if the user is performing any action during that time and if not we will call the function.

Let’s continue with the autocomplete example that we discussed in the Previous article. Suppose, If a user is typing the word Movie in the text input search. So for every letter the user types, there will be an API call. Which means, just the search text Movie will make total 5 API calls, which is not ideal for both user and the application. Imagine if it is a big word, it will make an API call for every letter the user types. Do we need to make API call for every letter the user is typing? NO. We should wait till the user has stopped typing for some time before we make an API call.

That is what we call a Debouce function. Now, let’s get into an example to understand better. Logic for debounce is simple in two steps

  1. Initialise a timer variable to determine when to invoke the callback function.
  2. Reset the timer when user is typing.

Taking the autocomplete example from before, here is how we will implement it using debounce.

function debounce(callback, delay = 250) {
let timer;
return (...args) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => { callback(...args) }, delay);
const autoCompleteSearch = debounce(searchtext => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(posts => setPosts(posts))
}, 500)
input.addEventListener("input", e => {

In the above example we are passing the fetch call function as callback to the debounce function, which returns a new function and we are passing the user input to this newly returned function. It will only run after 500ms after the user stops typing.